How to Use Facial Recognition Technology For a Smooth KYC Process


Ever since the concept of digitization was introduced in the world, the number of cyberattacks and fraudulent activities escalated. Verifying the customer’s identity became very vital. Fortunately, advances in facial recognition systems now allow for more efficient ID authentication. This entails AML and KYC onboarding procedures for you. The biometric face recognition system, like DNS … Read more

5 Crucial Food Technology Innovations For 2022

Prepared by Synthesis Capital The year ahead presents many exciting innovations in the alternative protein sector. 2022 is already shaping up to be full of advances in food technology with markets actively embracing new product ideas.  Below, we explore some of the emerging trends to watch: Lab-grown cultivated meat will begin to gain popularity Founded … Read more

10 Best Kitchen Knife Brands

kitchen knife brands

Kitchen knife is an essential tool that is used by everyone. You can use kitchen knife to cut the fruits, vegetables and other ingredients. But, a kitchen knife is not the only kitchen equipment that you will use; you may need a spatula, a chopping board, a cooking pan, a blender and a blender jar. … Read more

How to Change Font Styles in WhatsApp

Whatsapp fonts

WhatsApp, without any doubt, is one of the best and most used instant messenger apps in the world. With its simplicity and straightforward interference, people love using it for daily chatting and gossips. Just like the interference, the app also has a simple font. Are you sick of seeing the same old and dull fonts? … Read more

Top 5 Tips for Loans 

Thinking about taking out a loan to fund a massive payment? Well, loans can surely help you clear payments for your credits like a wedding, a family trip, and renovating a house. Whether you want a personal loan for the first time or just want to know about the chances of your loan being approved, … Read more