iFunny X is a collection of funny Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). They commonly represent hilarious content in the form of animations and footage. The user can use it to express feelings of amusement through social media. It includes an interesting feature that users can create their collection of memes by finding their friends in comment sections.
Users: There are more than 10 million people who are members of the iFunny X community/group.
Rating: iFunny X has got a rating of 17+ on the app store.
Table of Contents
The expectation of users by the company:
iFunny expects to exceed its users from 13 years. It can monitor its users only if they create a log-in on iFunny.
Visible content:
Most of the content on iFunny X is open to the public and you can view and enjoy it without creating your account. But for commenting, chatting with other users, uploading something, and subscribing to something requires an account on the app.
Access to ifunny x content:
You can access the ifunny x content from the mobile application and website. None of the two modes requires any verification about the user’s age.
Content type on iFunny X:
There is a huge variety of content on ifunny x. when you scroll the list, you see some humorous content like pranks, memes, and footage. But there is also vulgar content that is not appropriate for children. Parents should be aware of all types of content which is available on the app. It contains sexually expressive content, black comedy, and inappropriate language.
Community Standards:
iFunny X has introduced the Community Standards for Content and Comments. It allows users to post related to pornography, sexual acts (non-nude) showing humor, sex toys, drugs, dark humor, etc. Most of the content involves jokes.
Comments Standard:
You are likely to find too much abusive and rough language in the comments. As far as this section is concerned, it is similar to social media platforms where anyone can post anything in the comments.
Social Media face:
When you are using the iFunny X, it feels like many social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram. You are free here to express your feelings in comments, subscribe to those you like, make a friend list, and connect with people you want. You cannot make a private account here.
Log-in Options:
iFunny X gives you the option to log in to the website using Facebook, Twitter, and Google. In this way, you can link your account with this.
After creating an account on iFunny X you can chat with people in the chat rooms. There is no check on the content shared there. People are reported to share content related to pornography in chat rooms.
Browser Gateway:
If someone shares a link, the user can access it without leaving the app. This becomes worse in the case of pornography links.
iFunny X privacy policy:
iFunny X gets access to your phone number when you log in to the app. More briefly, you are sharing your name, password, email address, and phone number which was never asked in the sign-up details.
Bottom Line:
It is better to use ifunny X if you are 17+. You can enjoy the hilarious content it provides you but keep away from unnecessary chatting.