Massage therapy is a technique integrated into Physiotherapy that consists of the use of different massage techniques for therapeutic purposes, to treat diseases and injuries. Thus, it encompasses techniques such as therapeutic massage, deep transverse massage, therapeutic manual lymphatic drainage, myofascial release, sports massage, cryo-massage, connective tissue massage, periosteal massage, neuro-muscular techniques or Dicke’s massage, among others. check psychedelic therapy bay area.
Table of Contents
Massages improve blood circulation and lymph flow,
which helps bring nutrients to cells and remove impurities and toxic substances from the body. Hence, massage therapy has many benefits:
Increases the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Massage helps increase red and white blood cells. In fact, people with circulatory problems improve fluid retention in the legs, eliminating the sensation of heat, pain and swelling.
It helps release enforphins, giving a feeling of well-being and helping with pain, as well as reducing fat deposits, along with a balanced diet and exercise.
Helps muscles stay flexible.
With 동탄 출장마사지, patients with neck, shoulder and back pain gain strength, eliminating the tension of the affected nerves.
It reduces stress, in addition to combating depression.
It is effective in relieving headaches caused by nervous tension and muscle pain in the back, and also the condition of the skin.
It stimulates organs of digestion, improves lung and skin performance.
What does it consist of?
Massage therapy consists of manual treatment, applied to the body and transmitted by the pressure of the hands on the different organs. Thus, depending on the indication and the objectives of the treatment, the effects will generate direct or reflex actions. The effects will be:
Mechanical, when the forces of each maneuver affect the tissues
Physiological-hygienic, when the massages are applied to a healthy person and thus achieve greater vigor or relieve fatigue.
Preventive, when a tense area with possible injury is located by palpation
Therapeutic, when performed to improve circulatory function, restore mobility between damaged tissues, relieve or reduce pain, or enhance sensory awareness. The massage also provides relaxation and well-being, helping in the recovery and maintenance of health.
Aesthetic-hygienic, when the purpose is to improve the external appearance of the person: eliminate fat deposits, restore muscle tone and relax fatigue.
Sports, when it is carried out to prepare an athlete, before, during and after practicing it.
Psychological-psychological, or relaxing
Preparation for massage therapy
No preparation prior to massage therapy is necessary, since it is based on massages applied to the lesions
Care after the intervention
After the intervention, in principle, no care would be necessary, since the massages are applied to solve the injuries, in an innocuous way. However, the patient may notice slight pain in the treated and injured area. In this case, the physiotherapist specialist will recommend the necessary care.
Massage is both an art and a science, in terms of art it has a living technical part, and therefore in constant change and adaptation. Its benefits have reached our days, evolving from the simplest techniques to provide relaxation and promote sleep, to the specific development of some more complex ones to relieve or eliminate specific ailments of the body or the organism.