What do Barber pole colors mean

The barber pole is a classic symbol of the barbering profession and it has been used for centuries to advertise the services of local barbers. Have you ever wondered why barber poles are striped with red, white and blue? What about the significance of the spinning motion? The barber pole has a long history steeped in symbolism and tradition.

It is believed that the earliest incarnation of the barber pole dates back to medieval times when bloodletting was commonly practiced.

The red stripes were thought to signify the blood that was shed during surgery while the white stripes represented bandages used to stop bleeding.

One theory suggests that these traditional colors were chosen as a way for barbers to distinguish themselves from other medical practitioners such as apothecaries who used blue instead. The swirling motion of the pole likely symbolized the wrapping of cloth around a patient’s arm before bloodletting occurred. For more Click here.

Red & White: Traditional Meaning

Red and white are the classic colors of the barber pole, symbolizing a centuries old tradition of hair styling. From ancient Greece to modern day, red and white have been associated with barber poles worldwide.

Red is believed to represent the blood of surgery or bloodletting that was commonly practiced by barbers in the past; while white stands for bandages used to wrap wounds during medical procedures.

The two colors together form a stripe pattern that can be seen on poles outside barber shops today. The pattern is unique, distinctive and has come to be a universal sign for men’s grooming services – an iconic representation of barbers who have trained in their trade for decades.

Blue Stripe

The blue stripe has been around for centuries and was originally used as a barber pole to signify where someone could get their hair trimmed or shaved. This classic design has now been reinvented in the form of clothing and accessories, giving it an edgy, modern look that’s both stylish and timeless.

From t-shirts to jeans, there are plenty of ways to incorporate this vibrant colour into your wardrobe. The bright hue adds a splash of personality and can easily be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.

Yellow Stripes

Yellow stripes are a rare sight in most parts of the world, but they have come to represent something meaningful and special.

The classic barber pole is an iconic image that stands for both tradition and trustworthiness. For centuries, barbers have used this symbol to indicate their shop locations, as well as the services they offer.

The traditional design of a yellow-and-white striped pole originated in the Middle Ages when Barbers performed medical procedures such as bloodletting and tooth extraction. As time went on, these services were replaced by more modern haircuts and shaves, but the significance of the barber pole remained intact.

Today, it’s still seen in cities around the world as a sign that one can get a professional haircut or shave from an experienced barber who takes pride in his craftsmanship.

Other Combinations

This concept is gaining traction among modern barbershops who are introducing other combinations beyond the typical red, white and blue. From green and yellow to pink and purple, these shops are looking to create a look that stands out from the crowd.

Not only does this make their shop memorable but it also helps them express their own personalities through their business’s decor. By embracing creative combinations, these businesses have found ways to distinguish themselves from others in the industry and attract new customers with an eye-catching storefront design.


Barber pole symbolism has been around for centuries and is rooted in a variety of historical and cultural contexts. Due to the various interpretations, the barber pole can be seen as a symbol of tradition, hygiene, and a provider of services. It serves as a reminder of the importance of taking care of personal hygiene and grooming which is still relevant today.

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