How to Raise Objections Against RRB Group D Answer Key?

Railway Recruitment Board is the conducting body of the RRB Group D exam for many positions in the railway sector like Pointsman, Track Maintainer Grade IV and many other Level I posts. Lakhs of candidates appeared for RRB Group D 2022 to fill 103769 vacancies, across India. There are three stages of selection in RRB. The Medical Exam is the final part of the RRB exam, after which the selected candidate will be posted across India as per norms. 

RRB released the group D answer key on October the 14th for the exam which was conducted in five phases from 17th August to 11th October. The candidates can calculate their marks and can raise objections against the RRB Group D answer key. This article will help the candidates to know more about how and where to check the answer keys and to raise objections in a step-by-step easy manner. 

Important highlights

RRB Group D exam is conducted every year by the Railway Recruitment Board to select candidates for various Level I posts. The table below shows the important highlights of the RRB Group D 2022 exam. 


Name of the exam Railway Recruitment Board Group D
Conducting Body Railway Recruitment Board
Eligibility Criteria +2 and college graduates 
Positions Offered  Trackman Grade IV, Gateman, Porters, Pointsman, Helpers etc. 
Mode of RRB Group D 2022 Computer Based Test (CBT)
Negative Marking  -⅓ 
Stages of selection  Stage I- CBT- 1

Stage II- Physical Efficiency Test

Stage III- Document Verification and Medical Fitness

Official Site 


RRB Group D important dates and events. 

The latest update in the RRB Group D exam of 2022 is the release of the answer key. The result is expected to be released soon in November. The table gives the important dates and the corresponding events for easy reference. 


Events- RRB Group D 2022 Dates 
Notification Group D  March 12, 2019
Release of online application  March 12 to April 12, 2019
Confirmation of application  July 25, 2019
Release of link for errors and changes  15 to 26 December 2021
Release of Admit card  August 13, 2022
Date of RRB Group D exam (CBT) August 17 to 11 October 2022
Release of RRB Group D answer key October 14, 2022
Result announcement RRB Group D 2022 November 2022
Official website 


RRB Group D 2022 Pattern 

RRB Group D exam duration is 90 minutes. There are 100 questions for 100 marks. There is a negative marking of -⅓ for each wrong answer. 

The topics and their respective marks are given in the table below. 


Topics  Total marks  The total number of questions 
General Science  25 25
Mathematics  25 25
General Intelligence Reasoning  30 30
Current affairs 

General Awareness 

20 20
Total  100 100

How to check the Group D answer key 

RRB Group D answer key was released on the 14th of October 2022 by Railway Recruitment Board. The candidates can follow the steps below to check the answer key and calculate their marks. 

Step 1: Go to the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board.

Step 2: There will be a link given that the candidates will find “CBT Objection tracker viewing of question paper, responses, keys and raising of objections to questions/options/keys”. 

Step 3: Once the candidate clicks on this link, another page will open on the device. 

Step 4: The candidates will be asked to give their registration Id and password. 

Step 5: Now, the candidates can download the  Group D answer key of RRB 2022 and use it to raise objections or calculate marks. 

How to challenge RRB Group D Answer Key?

Now that the RRB Group D answer key is released, the candidates can object to the official answers in the answer key, if found to be wrong. The candidates can raise their objections from the 15th of October to the 19th of October. The final answer key will be released after the 19th of October. 

Below are the steps which the candidates can refer to for raising objections against the RRB Group D answer key. 

  • Go to the official RRB website from the answer key that was downloaded. 
  • There will be a link “viewing of question paper (…) Level I posts. 
  • A page with instructions for raising objections will open. The candidates need to carefully go through the instructions before objecting to any answers.
  • At the bottom of the page, there will be a ‘login’ sign.
  • After providing the Registration Id and password, the login is complete.
  • Then the candidates should select the Id of the question for which they are giving an objection. 
  • Apart from this, the candidates should also provide clear reasons and explanations with proof when they are objecting to the  Group D answer key. 
  • They will need to pay the objection fee before giving ‘submit’.
  • Once submitted, the objection will be considered and notified if proven. 


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