Fatigue is a condition in Dungeons & Dragons 5e that mimics extreme fatigue, cold, or other effects that weaken the character to such an extent that his physical and mental abilities are reduced. If it is too far away, fatigue can be fatal.
If you are a new Dungeon Master or a new player (or even if you have been playing for a while) and the fatigue is new to you, you are not alone. This is a significantly underused rule in D&D 5e and is often given to the table or forgotten.
However, I think it’s a shame because fatigue is a useful tool to add realism to an exhaustion 5e, not to mention a powerful weapon in the hands of a DM (or player) who can use it.
This is supported by the fact that the only spell that can cause exhaustion, the aura that causes hurt, allows the victims to make constitutional savings to avoid its effects.
Fatigue is divided into six levels, and some of the effects may be accompanied by one or more levels of fatigue.
Each level of fatigue combines the effects of previous levels, piling up their effects so that it can quickly seem harmful.
Roll at a loss in all skill tests. Here we are all: after a sleepless night, try to remember the test answers or do something as simple as opening the door when you are so tired that you can barely remember your name.
The first degree of exhaustion is undeniably ugly; you feel inefficient in doing things actively. However, if the chips run out and adrenaline comes on, you can still function normally by performing attacks and rescuing throws.
Level 2
Divide your movement speed. Your legs are dragging on the ground and the movements seem slow. It’s going to get crowded, especially if you’re fighting a very mobile opponent.
Level 3
You are now in the red with all the attacks and banishment 5e. Things are going very bad here. The absence of hits and assaults – combined with a lack of Level 1 controls, means you are less likely to succeed in almost anything, including constitutionally sustainable throws, to avoid greater fatigue. And it puts us in a spiral of death.
Level 4
Your maximum hit score will be shared. You are physically weakened due to insomnia, dehydration, painful starvation, or constant environmental impact.
I’m sure you feel physical pain when you’re tired, and medically, there’s a direct link between fatigue and loss of muscle strength. Mechanically, it’s easier to kill with a single shot.
Level 5
Your speed will be reduced to 0. You can no longer move. You can still stand with a lot of effort, but even taking one step is out of the question. You are more or less helpless. If you want to go further, you have to take it with you.
Although there are certain special abilities, conditions, and exactly one spell in the official rules that can cause fatigue, it is usually up to the DM to decide when, where, and exactly how fatigue occurs.
As with many of the rules that D&D uses less (who am I kidding about? This applies to almost all rules), every DM is likely to have different conditions that they use to cause fatigue.
How and when you get tired – or whether you’re busy – can help you set the tone for your campaign.
Want to play a fantastic game in a world full of food? You probably don’t use fatigue so often.
Do you want to play a dark fantasy game where your players have to fight hard for any luck? Exhaustion is the sword you hold over their heads from one to twentieth.