Do thyroid pills work?

The thyroid gland is a small organ at the base of the neck. Its function is to produce and release into the blood three hormones: triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and calcitonin.

Common diseases of the thyroid gland are: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is characterized by insufficient hormone production for the body’s needs. Hyperthyroidism is characterized by an excess of thyroid hormones in the body.

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s disease, and hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease.

Thyroid pills

There are many thyroid medications that can prevent excessive secretion of thyroid hormones or make up for their deficiency. Most medications in this group are sold with a prescription from an endocrinologist, but supplements that activate proper thyroid function are available over-the-counter at a Mexican pharmacy. You can easily check the status and availability of thyroid pills, at medicinesmexico. It is recommended that you buy the medication from certified Mexican pharmacies, as it is safe.

Hypothyroidism medications

Treatment of hypothyroidism includes taking synthetic thyroid hormones.


The first-line drug is the synthetic sodium levothyroxine (Euthyrox), which acts similarly to natural thyroid hormones. Due to the long period of administration, it is possible to obtain a stable concentration of the drug in the blood when taken only once a day.


It is more effective and requires a longer period of administration. When treating severe hypothyroidism, combined preparations of liothyronine and levothyroxine can be used.

Medications for an overactive thyroid gland

The duration and type of treatment depend on the cause of hyperthyroidism, age, comorbidities and the general condition of the patient.


Thionamides inhibit the production of thyroid hormones but do not affect their release. The first results of their use can be noticed after about a week, and the full effect appears only after several weeks of taking them.

Beta blockers

Symptoms of an overactive thyroid, such as hand tremors, palpitations, and hyperhidrosis, can be relieved with beta-blockers.

Thyroid-enhancing elements and chemicals

Remember that supplements should be coordinated with your doctor, who knows what medications you are taking and what medications may react with them.

Iodine, selenium, and zinc are important elements whose deficiency can contribute to thyroid disease. Their administration, should be careful and should only take place with the consent of your doctor.

How to take thyroid medications?

If you want to see the maximum effect of the treatment, it is worth adhering to the main rules of taking such drugs:

  1. Take the medication on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before breakfast and at least an hour before drinking coffee or milk.
  2. Do not mix thyroid pills with supplements containing iron, calcium or alpha-lipoic acid.
  3. Take the medication with water only.

What are the side effects of hormones?

Side effects can occur if too high doses are used or if they are increased too quickly. They manifest as cardiac arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, palpitations, headache, shortness of breath and chest pain, tremors, hot flashes with fever, menstrual irregularities, agitation and irritability, sweating, insomnia, weight loss and diarrhea with abdominal pain.

Why does the drug not work?

The first reason, why the drug may not work is the dosage is low/high, or it was not correct for you. Your doctor should to suggest an analogue. Choose the best Mexican pharmacy to buy your medication, or take advantage of a Mexican online pharmacy. But, keep in mind that you can get thyroid medications online if they are sold without a prescription.

The second reason, can be drugs that react with thyroid medications or have a negative effect:

  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Biotin
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Ashwagandha
  • Peruvian ginseng

There is no special diet for people with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Patients must simply follow the rules of a healthy diet.


Causes of thyroid disease include: stress, lack of nutrients in the foods consumed, genetic and autoimmune diseases.

The most important thing about the disease is its diagnosis. Through proper diagnosis, the appropriate treatment can be selected. In addition to taking medication, the doctor may recommend supporting the body by taking additional nutritional supplements.

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